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White Socks Only
White Socks Only
Average Rating: 0.0
Country: USA
Author: Evelyn Coleman
Illustrator: Tyrone Geter
Publisher: Storyline Online
Albert Whitman & Company
Ages: 5-8 Years
Theme: Inclusion & Discrimination

About The Story

This story recounts a young girl’s Grandma’s childhood in segregated Mississippi. One day, curious if the sidewalk was hot enough to fry an egg, she ventured into town and saw a “Whites Only” sign on a water fountain. Innocently misunderstanding, she stepped up in her white socks for a sip. Her act of bravery sparked outrage but revealed the deep-seated prejudice of the time. With courage and support, she stood tall against hate. The book’s vivid illustrations immerse readers into that era, highlighting the resilience of the Black community in their peaceful fight against racism, intolerance and injustice. Published by Albert Whitman & Company


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