Culture & Tradition

Culture & Tradition
The Song In Her Heart

Ringluia wants to perform the traditional Cheraw Dance at the festival. Will she be able to dance if she cannot hear the music?

Manu Mixes Clay And Sunshine

Manu’s father and grandfather are potters, and Manu is learning the craft. A story illustrated by folk artist Shanti Devi…

Dance Khuzwayo, Dance!

Khuzwayo loves to dance. But performing in front of a crowd? No way! How will he get his groove back?

The Best Doll Festival, Ever!

Amma is sick. Appa is away. And there is no one to set up the customary display of dolls for…

The Tale of the Water Hyacinth

Millions of water hyacinth plants live in the canals along the Mekong Delta near Nep’s village. Nep thought that she…

The Ok Om Bok Festival

It’s a special day in Nhay's neighbourhood. Every house is decorated with flowers and ribbons for the Ok Om Bok…

Dancing On Walls

The wall paintings of the Warli people of Maharashtra are famous worldwide for their simplicity and their liveliness. Beginning with…

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