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A Different Beat
A Different Beat
Average Rating: 2.7




Room To Read


Shyrelle Kalilikane


6-8 Years


John Joseph


Family & Friends

About The Story

Four of the 17 SDG of the United Nations are directly related to the rights of the child – no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, and quality education. And yet, large number of families experience housing insecurity or homelessness owing to poverty and other reasons. There are very few stories for children dealing with the subject. Some of the challenges that these children might face could be emotional, health related and feelings of insecurity. It might also impact their studies and they may face problems of rejection and bullying in school. In this story a single mother, has no job and yet tries to keep the morale of her children high. She assures them that although times are tough now, their ‘tomorrows’ will surely be better.


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