The Great patchup
The Grand Patch Up
The Grand Patch Up
Average Rating: 5.0
Country: India
Author: Karthika G
Illustrator: Tasneem Amiruddin
Publisher: Pratham Books
Ages: 5-8 years
Theme: Family & Friends

About The Story

Bridges are structures that allows people and vehicles to cross over an open space. They span, or stretch across, deep pits in the earth, bodies of water, and roads. There are many different kinds of bridges made from many different materials, such as, bricks, stone, steel, iron, wooden logs over small bodies of water and even living root bridges as those in Meghalaya, India and some other parts of the world. But the best kind of bridge is the bridging of our differences that help us to see each other’s points of view and lets us overcome our differences as in this story of friendship between two friends.


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