Salma and the Orange Trees
Salma and the Orange Trees
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Country: Indonesia
Author: Haya Mansour
Illustrator: Gada Jermy
Publisher: Majdalawi Masterpieces
Ages: 5-8 years
Theme: Displacement,
Health & Wellbeing

About The Story

Millions of people worldwide are forced to leave their homes due to war, poverty, natural disasters, or political unrest, seeking safety and hope in foreign lands. Salma, a young refugee, captures the heart of this struggle. She misses her home and her beloved orange tree, a symbol of comfort and belonging. To cope, Salma draws an orange tree, imagining its fruits turning into gifts of happiness, warmth, and hope that brighten her difficult days. Sadly, despite their resilience and contributions, refugees often face rejection. Today, governments worldwide are enacting stringent laws to curb immigration, viewing immigrants as a burden or a problem. Refugees like Salma leave their home not by choice but out of necessity. " How do you think we should respond to these victims of circumstances?" Read these other touching stories about refugees, Two Homes in Omar’s Heart, Hammam’s World and The Unexpected Friend.


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