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The Very Wiggly Tooth
The Very Wiggly Tooth
Average Rating: 0.0
Country: India
Author: Reshma Thapa Gurung
Illustrator: Canato Jimo
Publisher: pratham books
Ages: 3-5 Years
Theme: Tooth legends, Health & Wellbeing, Stem

About The Story

Bunu has a wiggly tooth, a phenomenon that all children experience between the ages of 5-7 years. Losing a baby tooth is filled with mixed emotions – anxiety, dread, and even eager anticipation. What if I swallow it? Will it hurt? Will the tooth fairy find it? There are many happy legends around milk teeth to ease the journey, the tooth fairy being the most common. But many other legends abound around the world. This story features one such legend from Sikkim, a small state tucked into the foothills of the mighty Himalayas.


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