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Why is Nita Upside Down?
Why is Nita Upside Down?
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South Africa


Book Dash


Roxana Bouwer


5-8 years


Sarah Bouwer


Inclusion & Diversity

About The Story

Nita is new to school and feels isolated due to her stammer, fearing ridicule from her classmates. A compassionate boy befriends her, showing her that everyone is unique—some are tall, some are short, some have abilities others may not. His kindness convinces Nita to join the other children, helping her realize that differences make us special. Teaching children to be inclusive and kind toward others, regardless of physical or mental disabilities, fosters a more compassionate society. Stammering, also known as stuttering, is a speech disorder that can be helped with speech therapy. Many famous individuals, including British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, scientist Isaac Newton, writer Lewis Carroll, Pakistani rapper Adil Omar, singer Elvis Presley, and British ruler King George VI, all stammered. Demosthenes, one of Ancient Greece’s greatest orators, overcame his stammering by rolling pebbles in his mouth! Hence, those who stammer should not feel discouraged—they are in great company.


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