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Dancing On Walls
Dancing On Walls
Average Rating: 5.0




Tulika Books


Shamim Padamsee


6-8 Years


Uma Krishnaswamy


Culture & Tradition

About The Story

Harvest is time to celebrate. In many parts of the world after months of toiling in their fields, the farmers celebrate with joy and thankfulness. There will be prayers, singing, dancing and feasting in their communities. The Warli tribe start the festival by praying to their goddess "Kansari". For the festival, they decorate their mud houses with drawings of daily life, like dancing, festivals, and weddings. In other parts of India, harvest time is celebrated in myriads of ways, each one unique and special.



  • The students had a wonderful time listening to the story. They had previously learned about Worli art in our last unit, so reading this book was very enjoyable for them. They used their imagination to think that the little stick figures could be aliens or special people from the moon. They also related it to the learner profile attributes of caring. After the story, they did a character analysis of the main character and engaged in a VTR learning of See Think Wonder.

    Pooja Bhattacharya

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