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The Unexpected Friend
The Unexpected Friend
Average Rating: 5.0
Country: Bangladesh
Author: Raya Rahman
Publisher: Let's Read Asia
Ages: 5-8 years
Theme: Displacement

About The Story

According to UNHCR data, more than 43 million children worldwide have been displaced from their home countries due to conflict, persecution, and violence. They bear the burden of decisions and disasters far beyond their control. Living in crowded refugee camps can harm their emotional and physical well-being. This story gives us a glimpse of a refugee camp in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh, where Rohingya families who fled persecution in Myanmar live. Faisal rescues an injured bird and, with his sisters, nurses it back to health. When the bird is ready to fly, despite their attachment, they decide to let it go. Why do you think they make this choice?


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