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Bye-Bye Plastic Bags
Bye-Bye Plastic Bags
Average Rating: 0.0




Zamasama Original


Shamim Padamsee


6-8 Years


Ashok Rajagopalan


Environment & Conservation

About The Story

Plastic pollution has a very harmful impact on our environment –it harms marine and human health, litters our beaches, clogs our waterways and drainage systems and more. Plastics last forever. Huge islands of plastic are found floating in the oceans and scientists estimate that more than half of the world’s sea turtles and nearly every single seabird on Earth have eaten plastic in their lifetimes. What can we do? Read here about two gumptious sisters who decided that enough was enough decided to make a difference.


Comments (2)

  • BYE-BYE Plastic should become a must-read for schools and climate enthusiasts. A powerful, relevant, and factual account written lucidly with appropriate illustrations.

    Well-done Zamasama!

    soniya Mawani
    • Thank you Soniya for your review. I do hope that children everywhere get inspired to take action, whether big or small, to protect our fragile environment.

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